Well....taking my basal temperature, every morning for the past month before my period started, has been interesting. I really have enjoyed doing it! I have gotten into the habit of, first thing I wake up, and take my temperature. Although I am not impregnated this month, I did find out which day of my cycle I tend to ovulate. For me, it is around day 16. It notified me on the website where I chart my temps. I am happy that atleast I can pin-point a guesstimation of which days of the month I ovulate, which is helpful for my peace of mind. I am now taking a break on the basal temp thing, I'm going to be more "relaxed" this month. You know us women, one minute we are pumped on something and the next we are just "whatever" about it. I'll probably change my mind next month and start taking it again : ) I'm definately ok about the whole not getting pregnant this month because we are going to KEY WEST on Sunday!! The closer it comes, the more I get pumped up about it! What I need is a week long vacay with the hubs... ahhhhh. I'm glad Mom and Wayne are going to be there too, but I'm really excited about spending some time with David. : ) Fun, sun, alcoholic beverages, sunsets, great food, no work...what more could a woman want!
Not to mention...I have lost 13 lbs. in the last 7 weeks! Way to go me! Thanks to my friend Jess for giving me the kick in the ass I needed. I have been eating less and exercising more, which has been really great, and most importantly- I have enjoyed focusing on ME! It really has felt SO good to just worry about me. I want to lead a healthier lifestyle. I want to be the right size for my height. I know I will always have the pear shape that God gave me, I'm ok with that. I like my shape, I just want to slim it down a little (especially since in the future I "may" become pregnant). I have been to the gym everyday for the past few weeks (I did skip a Sunday a few weeks back) and it is a great routine to get in. When I do piss positive on that stick, you best believe my ass will still be going to the gym. I want to stay active and healthy so I can (hopefully!) have that home birth and vaginal birth that I've always wanted. I mean, I'm no fortune teller. I have no clue what curve balls are going to be thrown my way when I do become pregnant, but a girl can dream. My energy level has increased drastically since i've been eating less and working out more. I don't have as much of a desire to take naps during the day like I did in the past. I'm sleeping better at night (because my ass is worn out!). All and all, it is a positive change for both my physical and mental health. Next blog I will tell you all about Key West... looking forward to it!