I thought for sure that last month was "it", that it was the month that I was going to get pregnant. The reason I felt that way were because of the following:
* I thought I felt myself ovulate last month (severe pain, R ovary, on day 13)
* David and I had been intimate "at the right times"
* I had no period symptoms what so ever (no cramping, spotting, etc.)
* My boobs hurt like hell
Guess what? I am not pregnant. That taught me right there that I should make NO predicitons about when I "may be" pregnant. Although I think I know myself and my body, apparently I have no idea what is going on inside of me.
I wasn't necessarily disappointed when I found out I wasn't pregnant because it seems like each month I have something to look forward to. This month is Marcy's 30th birthday bash and I know I am in for a great time! If I were pregnant, I could have still had a good time, just without the alcohol. Next month David and I are going to Key West : ) I would LOVE to be pregnant, but if not, I know there will be lots of fun ( & alcohol) involved there also. When I think about it too long, I do become sort of sad at the fact that we have been "unsuccessfully not preventing" a pregnancy. I thought it would be like 1,2,3...BAM you're pregnant. Not so. I just have to keep and maintain a positive attitude and the positive mind frame of "what will be, will be". I have done a few things different so far this month as to hopefully increase our chances of concieving. I purchased a basal thermometer & some OPK test strips at Walgreens. The basal thermometer is used when you first wake up every morning to chart your resting temperature. Your resting temperature will "spike" a degree (give or take) when you ovulate. Your temperature will remain "high" after you ovulate until your LH levels come down to insinuate the upcoming arrival of your menstrual cycle, then your temperature will "drop" to your lower level base temperature. With this, atleast I can hopefully pin point the approximate time of ovulation. I also purchased some ovulation predictor strips. These will help me determine also at what point in my cycle I ovulate. Everyone ovulates at different times, so I found out. I was under the impression that everyone ovulated around cycle day 13-14 in their cycle. That is not so. Some women ovulate sooner and some ovulate later. I just want to know when I do. I am looking foward to what the future holds, life is so exciting! The possibilities are endless. Still living everyday like it's my last, that is what is most important.
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