Monday, October 1, 2012

It's October, I love this time of year!

Man, this is my favorite time of year!  I love when the humidity is dropping, cool nights by the fire, and the beautiful changing color of the trees.  I am currently 16 weeks & 3 days pregnant and I feel GREAT!  I am at that in between stage of really not looking pregnant & really not feeling pregnant, but obvioiusly I'm pregnant.  : )  Still no big changes in my bi-weekly "bump" pics, but I'm OK with that.  I know soon enough that it will be very evident that I'm expecting a little miracle.  David and I met with Olivia last Monday & everything looked pretty good.  I weighed 135 on her scale, but I've came to the conclusion that was due to retaining water and being constipated.  On Mrs.T's scale today I weighed in at 131.  I am going with 131 as the more accurate weight for me right now.  : )  That puts me at gaining a total of 4 lbs. thus far.  I am definately OK with that.  Baby Bailey's heartrate was 140 bmp & s/he was moving around like crazy!  As soon as Olivia would get a good heartbeat on the doppler, that little one would move right out of the way.  I still haven't felt any movement yet, but sometime between now and 20 weeks I should feel some sort of "bubble" or "flutter".  I'm waiting for that...maybe then it will hit me that all of this is real.  : )  It truely does feel completely surreal.  Olivia also mentioned I should be kicking up the protein & veggies, so that's what I've been doing.  I am opting to snack on pieces of pepperjack cheese, cinnamon almonds, or greek yogurt as opposed to apples or other stuff filled with more carbs & sugar.  I never thought I'd be able to eat a piece of cheese without a cracker, but I have definately mastered that now.  Nuts really weren't my thing either, but these cinnamon almonds are incredible!  I'm still eating every 2 hours, this baby growing stuff makes you hungry.  I'm not half as hungry as I was in the beginning, but I still know when it's time to have a snack.  I usually eat oatmeal with craisins & cinnamon for breakfast or my oatmeal, greek yogurt, chia seed, PB2 powder, banana blend.  They both fill me up & give me the energy for my morning workouts.  Monday, Wednesday, & Friday I do atleast 30 mins of cardio on an eliptical.  Tuesday & Thursday I do weight training to keep from losing muscle mass.  I love doing squats & lunges, nothing like feeling the burn.  I am confident that maintaining this active, healthy lifestyle will not only benefit me & baby in the long run, but hopefully will also shorten the labor & delivery process (a woman can dream right?) : )  David and I have also been looking into childbirth education classes.  I think we are going to go with the Bradley Method, which puts emphasis on the Father playing the primary role as caregiver/support for the labor.  Also, the method encourages going "all natural" & encourages breast feeding.  All of which I am interested in.  The course is 2 hours per week over a 10-12 week period.  I had no idea we would be spending that much time in a class, but the more information David and I can gain, the better off we'll be!  A lot of exciting things are going on in October.  We have our next appointment with Olivia on the 22nd, our ultrasound on the 24th, and we leave for our mountain camping trip on the 25th!  I am looking forward to all of those things : )  On an end note...still need to figure out how to upload pics!

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