Wednesday, July 10, 2013

SHE is here!!!!

(First of all, yes I know, this post is nearly 4 months overdue!)

Jennings Colleen Bailey is here!!!  She was born 3/13/13 after 34 LONG, strenuous, tiring, hours of labor.  Here is our story of my labor, the birth of our first baby, & some of the challenges that life can throw your way unexpectedly.

On Sunday, 3/10/13, my Mom and Wayne had a cookout at their house to celebrate our friends Korin & Rich coming in for the weekend.  All of our friends came!  Mom had a cake made that same "anytime now baby Bailey".  It was our "last hoorah" so to speak before I was to have the baby.  I have always felt that I was going to go past my due date because I have always heard that first babies can sometimes be "overdue".  I had all intentions of this child NOT arriving until atleast March 16.  Toward the end of the evening, I noticed that my lower back was really sore.  When we got home, David gave me an awesome back rub.  Not long after, I went to the restroom and noticed I wiped pink with some mucus on the toilet paper.  I told David I thought I had lost my mucus plug, but to not freak out, that it didn't necessarily mean anything was going to happen anytime soon.  We slept pretty well that night, although I woke up with a serious kink in my neck.  Korin came to work with me on Monday 3/11.  We took Mrs. T downtown for lunch and walked around.  We even had some delicious ice cream from Kilwins.  Afterwards, we picked up Ella to spend some time with her.  Korin, Ella, David, and myself all went to my midwife appointment that afternoon at 5pm.  I mentioned to Olivia and Candace that I thought I had lost my mucus plug.  Candace said she had a feeling I was going to come in with some kind of news.  They had been up all night with a laboring mama who was in my birth class.  She had a home birth and welcomed a beautiful little girl in the wee hours of 3/11.  Needless to say, they had not been to sleep yet.  I assured them that nothing was going to happen, that I needed at least one more nights rest, and that they needed to rest up.  Korin and Rich were getting ready to leave town and they wanted to go to Chipoltle for dinner (it had just recently opened).  I agreed, I love some Mexican.  When we got there, the line was at the door.  The approximate wait time was about 20 minutes.  As we were standing in line, about half way to the counter, I felt like I was peeing on myself.  I told Korin & David that I thought I was leaking or either I was slightly pissing myself.  Korin & I went to the restroom and when I sat on the toilet, I felt like I couldn't stop peeing.  I looked in the commode and it looked cloudy and had a funny smell.  I knew instantly that my water had broken.  How convenient I thought, my water broke mostly on the toilet!  Korin's mouth was wide open.  I had to reassure her that I was ok and there was no need to freak out. 
We were still going to eat and enjoy our meal together.  I came back to the line and told David that my water had broken.  He was cool with it, like myself.  When we got 2 people before the ordering counter, a contraction came on.  I grabbed the wall to brace myself and then BOOOOSH!!!!  My water broke big time all over the floor!  The pressure from the water breaking made the fluid spray out from the knees of my corduroy pants!  It was insane!  Needless to say, at that point we left.  As we were walking out, David non chalantly mentioned to the cashier, "uh, my wife's water just broke, you may want to get somebody to clean that up".  Rich pulled up the van and I instantly stripped down.  I still kept leaking fluid all the way home.  I called Olivia to let her know what was going on, it was a little after 7pm.  She suggested I go home and try and get as much rest as possible.  Bridget came over and helped with some last minute things, Joey & Lisa came over to get Layla.  I ate part of a Chic Fil A sandwich and we got in the bed around 10pm to sleep.  Around 12:15 a.m., my contractions started coming on pretty intense.  I didn't want to wake David up, so I timed my contractions and let him sleep as long as I could.  For about an hour I labored by myself with the contractions between 3-6 minutes apart.  I finally woke up Dave around 1.  He hung with me for a little bit and then gave Olivia a call.  From here on out, everything gets really blurry.  Had I had been smart, and recorded my birth story sooner, it may have been a little more clear.  I remember laboring in the living room on the ball while David was rubbing my back.  Olivia and Candace came in and started filling up the birthing pool.  I labored all night, mostly on the toilets, until the sun came up.  Olivia made me eggs and suggested I eat some to keep my energy up.  I didn't want to eat anything.  I kept drinking tons of water.  In my mind I thought, "the more water I drink, the more I'll have to pee, and the pressure will just bring that baby on down".  Olivia checked me for the first time on Tues. a.m. and I was only 3 CM dilated.  I couldn't believe I was only 3 CM.  I labored on.  Hands and knees, toilet, birthing ball.  I could not lay down, it hurt something fierce.  I remember saying constantly, "my back".  My back was killing me.  I was laboring on the bed on my hands and knees and a huge wave of nausea hit. I threw up all over the bed.  I thought to myself, "this could be good, this could be transition!"  Olivia checked me and I was only 5 CM.  She suggested I shouldn't getting into the birthing pool until I was closer to 6 CM.  Eventually, I got in the pool.  I could only labor on my hands and knees, sitting in front of David hurt my back terribly.  I was in there for a few hours and my contractions started to slow down. By 4 pm or so, I was becoming extremely exhausted.  My contractions were slowing down, but still intense.  Olivia requested that I lay down and take a nap.  I thought, "she must be crazy, I CAN'T lay down!"  Laying down through a contraction was pure torture.  My back and hips felt like they were being ripped apart.  After laying down through a few contractions, I finally dozed off to sleep for an hour or so.  When I woke up, Olivia gave me some natural remedies to help "jump start" my contractions again.  At that point, I felt like a I had a new energy, I was feeling refreshed.  I sat on the birthing ball saying to myself, "come on down baby". Still, my contractions were slow, only coming every 7-10 minutes.  I was thankful that I wasn't hurting every 3 minutes, but I knew in order for this baby to be born I would have to endure more pain.  Around 10pm, Olivia suggested David and I take a walk to discuss options.  I had been in labor with my water broken for 27 hours.  Olivia said that she would be more than happy to stay at the house with us as long as we wanted, but if there were complications, she didn't want to get thrown under the bus since technically you are supposed to deliver (in a hospital setting) within 24 hours of your water breaking.  I knew where she was coming from.  David and I walked around the neighborhood and I felt just pregnant, not even like I was in labor (until a contraction would hit every 7-10 minutes or so).  Where I had felt previously like the baby had dropped some, while walking I felt like the baby was more "up" there.  I decided that I was going to try and rest/nap again and then I would make a decision based on whether my contractions picked up or not.  I drifted off to sleep quickly, but woke up about an hour later with a terrible contraction.  They were not coming on any closer and none of Olivia's remedies where helping.  I felt helpless and hopeless.  I never once felt scared for myself or the baby.  I knew that my dream of having a home birth was coming to an end. I asked Olivia if I went to the hospital could I just insist on a C-Section.  I did not want Pitocin and I did not want to labor anymore.  I was done.  Candace wrote up a quick birth plan for us and we packed up the birthing tub and our stuff. At this point, David and I called our Moms.  We hadn't spoken to anyone pretty much since we notified everyone of my water breaking.  David's Mom was already checked into a hotel room in Wilmington and said she would meet us at the hospital.  My Mom was so relieved I was going to the hospital, her and my sister met us there also.

We got checked in immediately at the hospital and got set up in a room.  I had to answer questions, get hooked up to an I.V. of fluids, and have the belly band put on to monitor baby's heart rate and contractions.  My nurse Robin was incredible.  I will NEVER forget her.  She was calm, explained everything, and had an awesome personality.  She had seen me at the gym prior to labor and had commented that I was "the cutest thing she had ever seen!"  I remembered that, and felt like we had already some sort of bond.  The residents on call were who was going to deliver me, since I wasn't attending an OB/GYN practice during my pregnancy.  I told them that I would just like to have a voluntary C-Section.  They said they would check me, and we would wait 1 hour and they would check me again for dialation.  Needless to say, I remained at 5 CM.  My sister Bridget was so exhausted and worried about me, she could not control her emotions.  I was shaking and continuing to throw up (because I was still in labor) and she hated seeing me in all of that pain and she was an emotional wreck.  Finally the time had come and I was cleared to walk down to the operating room.  I waved goodbye to Mom and the family and walked right on in, knowing I would be coming out a Mommy.

I was surprised to see what an actual O.R. looked like.  The table I was to be on was extremely narrow and everything was white and clean.  I shook hands and met my whole "team".  The anesthesiologist was an older gentleman that had that grandpa comforting look to him.  He explained everything to me before he did anything.  Cold iodine on my back 3 times, a little prick, and that was it.  Piece of cake in comparison to the 34 hours I had been in labor thus far.  David came in all prepped up in his hospital attire.  I smelt burning flesh and then they told David to look over the draping.  His reaction went a little something like this, "it it it has lots of hair!!" "It it it's a GIRL, oh my God, it's our Jennings!"  "She's so beautiful!" "She's so pretty" "Oh my God!"  They took her over to a warmer and I heard that sweet baby cry.  I never once was scared, I knew that everything was going to be ok.  Proud Daddy carried her over for me to see.  I was more interested in taking her cap off to see all of her so called hair, than about seeing her.   I couldn't believe MY baby had hair!  David and I were both bald.  David went with the baby to the PACU and I stayed in the operating room another 30 or so minutes getting put back together.  That part sucked.  I was all alone (except I had my awesome nurse Robin to chat with).  I just wanted to be with my hubs and new baby.  Finally, they wheeled me in to the PACU.  I found out we had a 7 pounder 20 inch long beauty.  She was so alert!  It blew my mind.  We locked eyes immediately and she wanted to nurse.  I could not believe (and I still have a hard time believing) that I had a baby. The grandparents came in to meet our little sweetie.  Still, no one knew whether or not we had a son or daughter.  My sister comes in, I have Jennings on my chest, and takes one look at her face and says, "it's a girl isn't it", I said "YES!"  My Mom instantly grabbed David and started crying!  It was amazing. 

We got discharged 2 1/2 days later and our journey of parenthood continued at the Bailey residence.  Our perfect, healthy, wonderful, baby is here.  We are forever grateful for our Jennings Colleen Bailey.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

37.5 weeks!

It blows my mind just to title this post "37.5 weeks".  I can't believe that I will be a rocking a newborn in just a matter of weeks!  Weeks...not months.  Wow.  Technically now I am considered full term, and the baby could come at any time.  I am not counting on going into labor early, if anything, I'm pretty sure this kiddo will be "late".  I have to remember that based on everything I have a "due guess" instead of a "due date".  I am almost positive my baby will be here sometime in the month of March.  80% of first babies go past their due date, so my goal is to keep my anxiety level to a minimum about when this little one will get here.  S/he will get here when the timing is perfect and my body is ready.  I am ready when baby is ready.  I have been having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions lately and my midwife put it beautifully to me today saying, "every contraction you have is preparing your body and is one less contraction you have to have during labor".  Amen.  Thankfully, the Braxton Hicks contractions don't necessarily hurt as much as they are just uncomfortable and tight feeling. 

The home visit went beautifully last week.  Olivia and Candace came over, checked the place out, I did my own group B strep swab, and we chatted.  Olivia thinks the ideal place for the birthing tub, based on space, will be in my living room.  Sounds good to me.  The hose adaptor fits to the kitchen sink and all of our "supplies" are packed. Of course I'm still making check lists, because that's just how I do to prepare for anything.  I purchased some eucalyptus oil to make some cold washcloths to have on ice when I'm in labor.  When David and I went to the Grove Park Inn on our honeymoon, they had the most refreshing scented towels on ice.  Just getting a whiff of them would put me in the zone.  I'm hoping these work out just as well.  I still need to prepare some freezer meals and grab some protein bars for the actual labor. I'm going to need a few bites of something to keep my energy level up to do all of that work.  Just some other little minor odds and ins things, but for the most part, we are set!  We saw Olivia again today and my group B strep test came back negative (thank goodness, one less thing for me to have to worry about).  I weighed in at 155, but granted that is weighing at 4:00 in the afternoon.  At this point, my weight is whatever.  As long as I keep it at 30 lbs and under, I'm doing a damn good job in my book.  I am really looking forward to going back to the gym and hitting it hard after the little guy or gal gets here.  I haven't been going as religiously as I used to and I really miss it.  There is nothing like breaking a serious sweat and getting your endorphines working, afterwards it is like the best high ever.  It is hard to have a bad day after you've been to the gym, you feel so accomplished.  Just a matter of time and I'll be taking my "mommy break" for the gym on a very regular basis : ) 

More about baby!  Today, and has been for a while, the baby is still positioned head down.  I am so very thankful for this, I think at this point the odds of him/her flipping to breech are slim to none.  Heart rate is still in the upper 130's.  My blood pressure is perfect.  Measuring right on track for predicted arrival date.  Everything is looking great!  I've still been feeling really good for the most part.  Occasionally, like tonight, I've been having some insomnia. (I'm writing this blog at 4:24 a.m. and I've been awake since 2:30 a.m.).  I'm waking up to pee about 3-4 times each night and most of the time I can keep my brain shut off enough to go back to sleep.  Other nights, about once a week, either I have terrible acid reflux that keeps me up, backache that keeps me up, or things on the brain.  Tonight I attribute this late night bout to upper backache and things on the brain.  I couldn't get off my mind whether or not my car payment had gone through and if I had enough money in the bank.  Of course I did, of course it had, and I need not worry about a thing.  Hoping after this blog I'll be able to catch a few more winks before my alarm sounds at 7:30 a.m.  Nothing really else to report, luckily still feeling pretty great for the most part.  As far as cravings go, I've been killing some chocolate milkshakes lately.  David and I went through a half gallon of ice cream in 5 days.  That never happens!  I still have to have a bite of something sweet after dinner.  I'm not craving anything too weird or off the wall, I just keep invisioning a large Cantinarita from K38.  I am ready for that margarita. : )  Work is going well, we have a girl in place for when I'm on leave with the twins.  She's really nice, I think she'll work out just fine.  I have Mrs. T's schedule worked out atleast for 4-6 weeks when I'm gone.  That is a relief to have that "ready", so to speak.  All in all, eveything is good!  Now for this pregnant mama to get some shut eye (hopefully!)...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

35 weeks tomorrow!!

35 weeks tomorrow?!  Where in the world has time gone?!  It is so hard to believe that in approximately 5 weeks, this little person who we are held completely responsible for, will be here in our lives forever.  Wow.  I would love to tell you that I feel completely ready (both physically & mentally), but I feel like this little one needs more "cooking" time.  My belly feels rather round, but I do not feel like I am about to explode or anything.  People who see me are starting to ask, "when are you gonna have that baby?"  I guess to them I'm looking like I could pop at any minute.  I'm still pretty comfortable for the most part.  I have a hard time getting up from the couch or bed, but that's about it.  My lower back is sore, especially at night when I've been laying down for a few hours, but nothing that I can't handle.  I've been getting up atleast 3X/night for bathroom runs, but hey...atleast for now the insomnia has subsided.  My nipples are still pretty sore, and I've had some liquid come out.  Guess those things are just getting ready to do their job of feeding this little kiddo for the next 12 months (hopefully!).

I've been seeing Olivia every other week for the last four weeks, and our home visit is coming up on Feb. 18.  After that, we'll see her weekly.  We have our birth kit already unpacked and items placed in a clear bin for easy access.  Soon we will be rounding up all of our other "supplies" needed (extra towels, washcloths, etc.)  I weighed in at work yesterday morning and some how, I was still in the 140's! 149.8 to be exact, but's still the 140's!  That puts my weight gain at almost 23 lbs thus far.  I have no idea how I'm not weighing in at 160 lbs at this point, I have to have a bite of something sweet after every meal.  Sometimes it's way more than a "bite", it's more like 4 coconut dream cookies by Keebler, haha!  Every time I look at myself I feel like I look the same as I did prior to pregnancy, except this huge lead bowling ball looking thing for a belly.  : )  My girlfriend Eileen took my maternity pictures at 33 weeks and they look amazing!  I am so happy with them, I know that I will cherish those photos for years and years to come.  Big news!!  Can't believe I didn't say this first.  I had THE MOST incredible baby shower a girl could ask for!  My sister and some of my close girlfriends really went above and beyond, I was completely blown away.  Everything was color schemed to match the nursery, the food was incredible, and Baby and I got more gifts than the law allowed.  We are so lucky to have so many people who love us.  Oh, and the nursery is almost complete!  This past week we have been refinishing the dresser ("we" as in my Mom, Wayne, Lisa, David, and myself).  That thing is a bitch!  This will be the first and last time I take on a project of refinishing a piece of furniture.  We are set to paint it this weekend, then put on the new hardware, and hopefully by Wednesday it'll be ready to rest in the nursery.  Wheww...glad that will be over.  Right now the floor is covered with baby shower gifts that need to find a home.  Bottles, new clothes that need to be washed, diapers, toys, blankets, etc.  When the dresser gets parked, I'll be able to organize it more.  Did I mention I have diapers?  I got TONS of diapers!  I am so very thankful, that is going to save David and I lots o' money right off the bat.  I'm guessing we have a good 4-6 month supply!

All is all, everything has been picture perfect.  Great pregnancy, awesome baby shower, good midwife appointments.  Now I'll just continue nesting until this little, sweet, precious baby makes his or her appearance. Oh and...we picked a pediatrician!  Dr. Edgar Horger at Seaside Peds will be in charge of the health and well being our wee one.  He seemed incredible at the meet and greet, we're looking forward to getting to know him more over the years.  And one more thing...our birthing classes went well!  It was great meeting 3 other couples who are all due in March.  The information & exercises were helpful, but I had read a lot prior to class about the topics of conversation that took place.  I felt as though I was one step ahead of the game, as far as the information provided goes.  The best part was networking with other Mama's to be.  Don't you love my pregnancy brain how this blog is all over the place?!  Haha!  Until next time...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

30 weeks!

Wow wee....time is really flying by!  It is so hard to believe that we only have 10 weeks left until our little one makes their debut.  Christmas & New Years have came and gone.  This was, by far, the most laid back Christmas we have ever had.  We had dinner with my family on Christmas Eve in Mom and Wayne's new house, that was really nice.  Christmas morning David and I woke up and had crockpot oatmeal with cinnimon rolls, while watching The Polar Express.  It was really nice and low key.  We actually slept in until 8:40 a.m.!  I know that it will be the last Christmas morning for a LONG time that we get that much sleep.  David bought me new windsheild wipers for the van and I had his front windows tinted in the 4-Runner, that was the extent of our present exchange.  Mom and Wayne got us an incredible camera that we are so excited about.  We can't wait to take pictures of the little one with a good quality camera, we are so thankful for that present!  We are trying to save the majority of our money for the upcoming things needed for the "baby fund".  We still owe Olivia $1000 by the 36 week mark (thankfully we have $800 already!), we start our birthing classes Wednesday ($150), and we have to purchase our birthing kit ($160) within the next few weeks. Things add up so quickly! 

I had an appointment with Olivia on Wednesday Dec. 26th for my glucose screening.  Thank goodness everything went well and I tested negative for gestational diabetes.  I weighed in at 143, putting my total weight gain at 16 lbs thus far.  I am surprised I didn't weigh more, especially with that other batch of puppy chow I made and all of the other delicious food I devowered over the Holidays.  I have been fighing a cough and congestion for the past few weeks, so I have not been to the gym since before Christmas.  I plan on going back full force on Monday.  I miss it.  Olivia said that I was measuring right on track and that my iron looked great.  Yay!  We now are starting to see Olivia every 2 weeks.  Our next appointment is on Monday, I'm thankful David can go with me.  He was unable to go to the last appointment because I had to schedule it for the a.m.  I have been reading my birthing books like a mad woman!  I am trying to prepare myself as much as possible, 10 weeks is no time at all.   We got the crib set up in the nursery, it looks great!  It is really coming together, slowly but surely.  Tonight Mom and Bridget came over to watch the documentary, The Business of Being Born.  I wanted them to get a different perspective on home birth, it is very informative.  They both seemed to appreciate and enjoy it.

I've been feeling pretty good for the most part.  My tummy is growing, and things that weren't hard before are definately becoming more challenging.  My energy level is still pretty good.  My lower back and tail bone have been consistently sore, although I don't think there is anything I can do about that.  My boobs (especially my nipples) have become more tender.  Baby Bailey is still very active, I can feel s/he move all of the time.  I am sleeping pretty good, sometimes when I wake up I have a hard time going back to sleep.  All in all, things are well!  Will fill in more next time, getting ready to hit the sack.  Goodnight!