It blows my mind just to title this post "37.5 weeks". I can't believe that I will be a rocking a newborn in just a matter of weeks! Weeks...not months. Wow. Technically now I am considered full term, and the baby could come at any time. I am not counting on going into labor early, if anything, I'm pretty sure this kiddo will be "late". I have to remember that based on everything I have a "due guess" instead of a "due date". I am almost positive my baby will be here sometime in the month of March. 80% of first babies go past their due date, so my goal is to keep my anxiety level to a minimum about when this little one will get here. S/he will get here when the timing is perfect and my body is ready. I am ready when baby is ready. I have been having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions lately and my midwife put it beautifully to me today saying, "every contraction you have is preparing your body and is one less contraction you have to have during labor". Amen. Thankfully, the Braxton Hicks contractions don't necessarily hurt as much as they are just uncomfortable and tight feeling.
The home visit went beautifully last week. Olivia and Candace came over, checked the place out, I did my own group B strep swab, and we chatted. Olivia thinks the ideal place for the birthing tub, based on space, will be in my living room. Sounds good to me. The hose adaptor fits to the kitchen sink and all of our "supplies" are packed. Of course I'm still making check lists, because that's just how I do to prepare for anything. I purchased some eucalyptus oil to make some cold washcloths to have on ice when I'm in labor. When David and I went to the Grove Park Inn on our honeymoon, they had the most refreshing scented towels on ice. Just getting a whiff of them would put me in the zone. I'm hoping these work out just as well. I still need to prepare some freezer meals and grab some protein bars for the actual labor. I'm going to need a few bites of something to keep my energy level up to do all of that work. Just some other little minor odds and ins things, but for the most part, we are set! We saw Olivia again today and my group B strep test came back negative (thank goodness, one less thing for me to have to worry about). I weighed in at 155, but granted that is weighing at 4:00 in the afternoon. At this point, my weight is whatever. As long as I keep it at 30 lbs and under, I'm doing a damn good job in my book. I am really looking forward to going back to the gym and hitting it hard after the little guy or gal gets here. I haven't been going as religiously as I used to and I really miss it. There is nothing like breaking a serious sweat and getting your endorphines working, afterwards it is like the best high ever. It is hard to have a bad day after you've been to the gym, you feel so accomplished. Just a matter of time and I'll be taking my "mommy break" for the gym on a very regular basis : )
More about baby! Today, and has been for a while, the baby is still positioned head down. I am so very thankful for this, I think at this point the odds of him/her flipping to breech are slim to none. Heart rate is still in the upper 130's. My blood pressure is perfect. Measuring right on track for predicted arrival date. Everything is looking great! I've still been feeling really good for the most part. Occasionally, like tonight, I've been having some insomnia. (I'm writing this blog at 4:24 a.m. and I've been awake since 2:30 a.m.). I'm waking up to pee about 3-4 times each night and most of the time I can keep my brain shut off enough to go back to sleep. Other nights, about once a week, either I have terrible acid reflux that keeps me up, backache that keeps me up, or things on the brain. Tonight I attribute this late night bout to upper backache and things on the brain. I couldn't get off my mind whether or not my car payment had gone through and if I had enough money in the bank. Of course I did, of course it had, and I need not worry about a thing. Hoping after this blog I'll be able to catch a few more winks before my alarm sounds at 7:30 a.m. Nothing really else to report, luckily still feeling pretty great for the most part. As far as cravings go, I've been killing some chocolate milkshakes lately. David and I went through a half gallon of ice cream in 5 days. That never happens! I still have to have a bite of something sweet after dinner. I'm not craving anything too weird or off the wall, I just keep invisioning a large Cantinarita from K38. I am ready for that margarita. : ) Work is going well, we have a girl in place for when I'm on leave with the twins. She's really nice, I think she'll work out just fine. I have Mrs. T's schedule worked out atleast for 4-6 weeks when I'm gone. That is a relief to have that "ready", so to speak. All in all, eveything is good! Now for this pregnant mama to get some shut eye (hopefully!)...
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