Monday, July 30, 2012

7 weeks and some change...

7 weeks along and definately feeling the signs of pregnancy!  Wish I could tell you I feel wonderful, energetic, and fit.  I don't.  I have felt nauseous for the past few weeks, no throwing up, but none the less, nauseous.  People told me "morning sickness" felt like you were hungover without a cure, they were exactly right!  All the time, that hungover feeling.  On a positive note, I'm getting closer day by day to being over the first trimester.  I have also been SO hungry. I don't think I've ever been this hungry in all of my life.  I have to eat every few hours or else the nausea kicks in worse.  I wish I could tell you I've been eating healthy (like I was prior to pregnancy), but I want nothing healthy.  I want weird stuff that I don't normally ever eat.  Examples: soup, bread, french toast, etc.  Soup especially.  (Weird!)  I hope this phase passes and I can go back to eating salads & good stuff.  I really miss sushi!  David and I ate raw sushi atleast 2x/week.  Other symptoms I've had are: extrememly sore boobs & nipples, indigestion & gas, belly bloat, lower back ache, & having to pee atleast 3x/night.

Baby Bailey is the size of a blueberry.  The reason I have to pee so frequently is because my uterus has doubled in size and I have 10% more blood in my body than before, therefore, making my kidneys work extra hard.  Guess getting up extra at night is preparing me for the parenting journey ahead. ; )  We met with the midwife last week & she is awesome!  Our initial meeting lasted an hour and 20 mins, and she answered every question we had.  I feel very confident in our decision to hire her as our midwife.  We set up another appointment for Aug. 28 for bloodwork & to hear the heartbeat.  I can't wait!  Also, we have already recieved a gift in the mail!  David's sister Christie sent us a week by week calander to fill out important events & dates.  Our baby is going to be so lucky to have such wonderful people to love him or her.  I look forward to feeling better & updating my blog in the very near future : )

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